Welcome to the website of the Australian Whipcrackers and Plaiters Association also known as the AWPA.  The AWPA through this website aims to keep its members and others informed of all that's happening with whipcracking around the world and to promote Whipcracking as a great family sport.  The AWPA aims to have a "State Whipcracking Championships" run in each state of Australia under the common AWPA rules by affiliated clubs, or an individual and encourage members from around the world to run whipcracking competitions.  The AWPA is a world leader in setting high standards for whipcracking and as such would like to see the AWPA rules used to lift the standard of whipcracking championships right around the world.

NEW WEBSITE COMING SOON......for up to date news visit our facebook page or call our President Steve Wicks on 0409420915 or email